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Fits a Generalized Additive Model for Location, Scale and shape (GAMLSS) using DataSHIELD on data from a single source or multiple sources on the server side.


  formula = NULL,
  sigma.formula = ~1,
  nu.formula = ~1,
  tau.formula = ~1,
  family = "NO()",
  data = NULL,
  min.values = NULL,
  max.values = NULL,
  min.max.names = NULL,
  checks = FALSE,
  mu.fix = FALSE,
  sigma.fix = FALSE,
  nu.fix = FALSE,
  tau.fix = FALSE,
  control = c(0.001, 20, 1, 1, 1, 1, Inf),
  i.control = c(0.001, 50, 30, 0.001),
  autostep = TRUE,
  datasources = NULL



A formula object, specifying the model for the mu distribution parameter. The response is on the left of an ~ operator, and the terms, separated by + operators, are on the right. Currently, only penalized beta splines, indicated by pb(), are supported for nonparametric smoothing, e.g. y~pb(x1)+x2+x2*x3.


A formula object, specifying the model for the sigma distribution parameter, as in formula. The only difference is, that it is not necessary to specify the response variable, e.g. sigma.formula=~pb(x).


A formula object, specifying the model for the nu distribution parameter, as in formula. The only difference is, that it is not necessary to specify the response variable, e.g. nu.formula=~pb(x).


A formula object, specifying the model for the tau distribution parameter, as in formula. The only difference is, that it is not necessary to specify the response variable, e.g. tau.formula=~pb(x).


A string, specifying the distribution of the response variable and the link functions of the distribution parameters. Currently, the following families are supported: family=c('NO()', 'NO2()', 'BCCG()', 'BCPE()'). Details on the distributions can be found in Default family='NO()'.


A string, specifying the name of an (optional) data frame on the server-side containing the variables occurring in the formulas. If this is missing, the variables should be on the parent environment on the server-side or referenced explicitly as dataname$varname.


A numeric vector specifying minimum values for the covariates, which are used to determine the knots for pb(). If min.values=NULL an anonymized (noisy) minimum is used instead to determine the knots on all servers. Default min.values=NULL.


A numeric vector specifying maximum values for the covariates, which are used to determine the knots for pb(). If max.values=NULL an anonymized (noisy) maximum is used instead to determine the knots on all servers. Default min.values=NULL.


A string vector specifying the names for the minimum (min.values) and maximum values (max.values). Only required if min.values or max.values are given. Default min.max.names=NULL.


Logical, if checks=TRUE ds.gamlss checks whether the required variables for the model exist on each server and are not completely missing. Default checks=FALSE.


Logical, indicating whether the mu distribution parameter should be kept fixed during the fitting processes. Default mu.fix=FALSE.


Logical, indicating whether the sigma distribution parameter should be kept fixed during the fitting processes. Default sigma.fix=FALSE.


Logical, indicating whether the nu distribution parameter should be kept fixed during the fitting processes. Default nu.fix=FALSE.


Logical, indicating whether the tau distribution parameter should be kept fixed during the fitting processes. Default tau.fix=FALSE.


Numeric vector with seven elements that sets the control parameters of the outer iterations algorithm using the gamlss.control function: (i) c.crit (the convergence criterion for the algorithm), (ii) n.cyc (the number of cycles of the algorithm), (iii) mu.step (the step length for the distribution parameter mu), (iv) sigma.step (the step length for the distribution parameter sigma), (v) nu.step (the step length for the distribution parameter nu), (vi) tau.step (the step length for the distribution parameter tau), (vii) gd.tol (global deviance tolerance level). Default control=c(0.001, 20, 1, 1, 1, 1, Inf).


Numeric vector with four elements that sets the control parameters of the inner iterations of the RS algorithm using the glim.control function: (i) cc (the convergence criterion for the algorithm), (ii) cyc (the number of cycles of the algorithm), (iii) bf.cyc (the number of cycles of the backfitting algorithm), (iv) bf.tol (the convergence criterion (tolerance level) for the backfitting algorithm). Default i.control=c(0.001, 50, 30, 0.001).


Logical, indicating whether the steps should be halved automatically if the new global deviance is greater than the old one. Default autostep=TRUE.


A list of DSConnection-class objects obtained after login. If the datasources argument is not specified the default set of connections will be used: see datashield.connections_default.


A ds.gamlss object with all components as in the gamlss function. Individual-level information like the components y (the response) and residuals (the normalised quantile residuals of the model) are not disclosed to the client-side.


Fits a Generalized Additive model for Location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) using DataSHIELD on data from a single source or multiple sources on the server side. In the latter case, the data are co-analysed (when using ds.gamlss) by using an approach that is mathematically equivalent to placing all individual-level data from all sources in one central warehouse and analysing those data using the conventional gamlss function in R. For additional details please see the header of the gamlss function.

Server functions called: gamlssDS1, gamlssDS2, gamlssDS3, gamlssDS4, gamlssDS5, gamlssDS6


Annika Swenne


#> Loading required package: DSI
#> Loading required package: progress
#> Loading required package: R6
#> Loading required package: rly

## Set up DSLite server
dslite.server1 <- newDSLiteServer(
  tables = list(data = mtcars[c(1:15), ]),
  config = defaultDSConfiguration(include = c("dsBase", "dsGamlss"))
dslite.server2 <- newDSLiteServer(
  tables = list(data = mtcars[c(16:nrow(mtcars)), ]),
  config = defaultDSConfiguration(include = c("dsBase", "dsGamlss"))
builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder()
builder$append(server = "study1", url = "dslite.server1", table = "data", driver = "DSLiteDriver")
builder$append(server = "study2", url = "dslite.server2", table = "data", driver = "DSLiteDriver")
logindata.dslite <- builder$build()
# Login to the virtualized server
conns <- DSI::datashield.login(logindata.dslite, assign = TRUE)
#> Logging into the collaborating servers
#> Error in base::get(url, envir = getOption("datashield.env", parent.frame())): object 'dslite.server1' not found
DSI::datashield.assign.table(conns = conns, symbol = "D", table = c("data", "data"))
#> Error: object 'conns' not found

## Examples
# Example 1: parametric model
model1 <- ds.gamlss(formula = mpg ~ wt, sigma.formula = ~disp, data = "D", family = "NO()")
#> Error:  Are you logged in to any server? Please provide a valid DSConnection object! 

# Example 2: penalized beta splines
model2 <- ds.gamlss(formula = mpg ~ pb(wt), sigma.formula = ~disp, data = "D", family = "NO()")
#> Error:  Are you logged in to any server? Please provide a valid DSConnection object! 

# Example 3: penalized beta splines with known minimum and maximum
model3 <- ds.gamlss(
  formula = mpg ~ pb(wt), sigma.formula = ~disp,
  min.values = min(mtcars$wt),
  max.values = max(mtcars$wt),
  min.max.names = "wt",
  data = "D", family = "NO()"
#> Error:  Are you logged in to any server? Please provide a valid DSConnection object! 

## Logout
#> Error: object 'conns' not found