Supervised Learning I

Train, predict, evaluate with mlr3


Our goal for this exercise sheet is to learn the basics of mlr3 for supervised learning by training a first simple model on training data and by evaluating its performance on hold-out/test data.

German Credit Dataset

The German credit dataset was donated by Prof. Dr. Hans Hoffman of the University of Hamburg in 1994 and contains 1000 datapoints reflecting bank customers. The goal is to classify people as a good or bad credit risk based on 20 personal, demographic and financial features. The dataset is available at the UCI repository as Statlog (German Credit Data) Data Set.

Motivation of Risk Prediction

Customers who do not repay the distributed loan on time represent an enormous risk for a bank: First, because they create an unintended gap in the bank’s planning, and second, because the collection of the repayment amount additionally causes additional time and cost for the bank.

On the other hand, (interest rates for) loans are an important revenue stream for banks. If a person’s loan is rejected, even though they would have met the repayment deadlines, revenue is lost, as well as potential upselling opportunities.

Banks are therefore highly interested in a risk prediction model that accurately predicts the risk of future customers. This is where supervised learning models come into play.

Data Overview

n = 1,000 observations of bank customers

  • credit_risk: is the customer a good or bad credit risk?
  • age: age in years
  • amount: amount asked by applicant
  • credit_history: past credit history of applicant at this bank
  • duration: duration of the credit in months
  • employment_duration: present employment since
  • foreign_worker: is applicant foreign worker?
  • housing: type of apartment rented, owned, for free / no payment
  • installment_rate: installment rate in percentage of disposable income
  • job: current job information
  • number_credits: number of existing credits at this bank
  • other_debtors: other debtors/guarantors present?
  • other_installment_plans: other installment plans the applicant is paying
  • people_liable: number of people being liable to provide maintenance
  • personal_status_sex: combination of sex and personal status of applicant
  • present_residence: present residence since
  • property: properties that applicant has
  • purpose: reason customer is applying for a loan
  • savings: savings accounts/bonds at this bank
  • status: status/balance of checking account at this bank
  • telephone: is there any telephone registered for this customer?


We first load the data from the rchallenge package (you may need to install it first) and get a brief overview.

# install.packages("rchallenge")
Data summary
Name german
Number of rows 1000
Number of columns 21
Column type frequency:
factor 18
numeric 3
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
status 0 1 FALSE 4 …: 394, no : 274, …: 269, 0<=: 63
credit_history 0 1 FALSE 5 no : 530, all: 293, exi: 88, cri: 49
purpose 0 1 FALSE 10 fur: 280, oth: 234, car: 181, car: 103
savings 0 1 FALSE 5 unk: 603, …: 183, …: 103, 100: 63
employment_duration 0 1 FALSE 5 1 <: 339, >= : 253, 4 <: 174, < 1: 172
installment_rate 0 1 TRUE 4 < 2: 476, 25 : 231, 20 : 157, >= : 136
personal_status_sex 0 1 FALSE 4 mal: 548, fem: 310, fem: 92, mal: 50
other_debtors 0 1 FALSE 3 non: 907, gua: 52, co-: 41
present_residence 0 1 TRUE 4 >= : 413, 1 <: 308, 4 <: 149, < 1: 130
property 0 1 FALSE 4 bui: 332, unk: 282, car: 232, rea: 154
other_installment_plans 0 1 FALSE 3 non: 814, ban: 139, sto: 47
housing 0 1 FALSE 3 ren: 714, for: 179, own: 107
number_credits 0 1 TRUE 4 1: 633, 2-3: 333, 4-5: 28, >= : 6
job 0 1 FALSE 4 ski: 630, uns: 200, man: 148, une: 22
people_liable 0 1 FALSE 2 0 t: 845, 3 o: 155
telephone 0 1 FALSE 2 no: 596, yes: 404
foreign_worker 0 1 FALSE 2 no: 963, yes: 37
credit_risk 0 1 FALSE 2 goo: 700, bad: 300

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
duration 0 1 20.90 12.06 4 12.0 18.0 24.0 72 ▇▇▂▁▁
amount 0 1 3271.25 2822.75 250 1365.5 2319.5 3972.2 18424 ▇▂▁▁▁
age 0 1 35.54 11.35 19 27.0 33.0 42.0 75 ▇▆▃▁▁


Now, we can start building a model. To do so, we need to address the following questions:

  • What is the problem we are trying to solve?
  • What is an appropriate learning algorithm?
  • How do we evaluate “good” performance?

More systematically in mlr3 they can be expressed via five components:

  • The Task definition.
  • The Learner definition.
  • The training via $train().
  • The prediction via $predict().
  • The evaluation via one $score().

Create a Classification Task

Install and load the mlr3verse package which is a collection of multiple add-on packages in the mlr3 universe (if you fail installing mlr3verse, try to install and load only the mlr3 and mlr3learners packages). Then, create a classification task using the training data as an input and credit_risk as the target variable (with the class label good as the positive class). By defining an mlr3 task, we conceptualize the ML problem we want to solve (here we face a classification task). As we have a classification task here, make sure you properly specify the class that should be used as the positive class (i.e., the class label for which we would like to predict probabilities - here good if you are interested in predicting a probability for the creditworthiness of customers).

Hint 1:

Use e.g. as_task_classif() to create a classification task.

Hint 2:
task = as_task_classif(x = ..., target = ..., ... = "good")

Split Data in Training and Test Data

Your task is to split the dataset into 70 % training data and 30 % test data by randomly sampling rows. Later, we will use the training data to learn an ML model and use the test data to assess its performance.

Recap: Why do we need train and test data?

We use part of the available data (the training data) to train our model. The remaining/hold-out data (test data) is used to evaluate the trained model. This is exactly how we anticipate using the model in practice: We want to fit the model to existing data and then make predictions on new, unseen data points for which we do not know the outcome/target values.

Note: Hold-out splitting requires a dataset that is sufficiently large such that both the training and test dataset are suitable representations of the target population. What “sufficiently large” means depends on the dataset at hand and the complexity of the problem.

The ratio of training to test data is also context dependent. In practice, a 70% to 30% (~ 2:1) ratio is a good starting point.

Hint 1:

Use partition() on the task to create a train index and a test index.

Set a seed (e.g, set.seed(100L)) to make your results reproducible.

Hint 2:
# Sample ids for training and test split
splits = partition(...)

Train a Model on the Training Dataset

The created Task contains the data we want to work with. Now that we conceptualized the ML task (i.e., classification) in a Task object, it is time to train our first supervised learning method. We start with a simple classifier: a logistic regression model. During this course, you will, of course, also gain experience with more complex models.

Fit a logistic regression model to the german_credit task using only the training data.

Hint 1:

Use lrn() to initialize a Learner object. The short cut and therefore input to this method is "classif.log_reg".

To train a model, use the $train() method of your instantiated learner with the task of the previous exercise as an input.

Hint 2:
logreg = lrn("classif.log_reg")
logreg$train(..., row_ids = ...)

Inspect the Model

Have a look at the coefficients by using summary(). Name at least two features that have a significant effect on the outcome.

Hint 1:

Use the summary() method of the model field of our trained model. By looking on task$positive, we could see which of the two classes good or bad is used as the positive class (i.e., the class to which the model predictions will refer).

Hint 2:

Predict on the Test Dataset

Use the trained model to predict on the hold-out/test dataset.

Hint 1

Use $predict() with row_ids.

Hint 2
pred = yourmodel$predict(..., row_ids = ...)


What is the classification error on the test data (200 observations)?

Hint 1:

The classification error gives the rate of observations that were misclassified. Use the $score() method on the corresponding PredictionClassif object of the previous exercise.

Hint 2:

Predicting Probabilities Instead of Labels

Similarly, we can assess the performance of our model using the Brier score. However, this requires predicted probabilities instead of predicted labels. Evaluate the model using the Brier score. To do so, retrain the model with a learner that returns probabilities.

Hint 1:

You can generate predictions with probabilities by specifying a predict_type argument inside the lrn() function call when constructing a learner.

Hint 2:

You can get an overview of performance measures in mlr3 using


In this exercise sheet we learned how to fit a logistic regression model on a training task and how to assess its performance on unseen test data with the help of mlr3. We showed how to split data manually into training and test data, but in most scenarios it is a call to resample or benchmark. We will learn more on this in the next sections.